Quiz - Lesson 14 1. The US became the most prosperous nation on earth by following economic principles laid out by _____________ _____________ in the book _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ . 2. Give the three groups of people who do the world's work. 3. Why is it erroneous to label only one group as the working class? 4. Categorizing people and locking them into a class is an idea of ______________ . 5. Adam Smith advocated letting people prove themselves by protecting four economic freedoms. Name them 6. Adam Smith said government should only involve itself in the economy to prevent four things from happening. Name them 7. Marx said competition is _____________ . Smith said it improves four things. Name two. 8. "Trust busting" should be against _____________ , not against ______________ . 9. The Founders rejected _____________-_____________ compassion but favored ______ compassion. 10. Give two parts of this latter type of compassion. 11. Give two more parts of this latter type of compassion. 29