
Scripture: Mark 16:15,16 C:\Wp51\booklets\baptism
Date: November 2, 1996
Time: Sat 6:37pm b Fri 12:13pm e
Location: TBC SM

People to Thank or Praise: Appreciate the sacrificial giving of our people. Great offering two weeks ago--a special offering. I have no idea who gives--best this way--you get the reward in heaven.

INTRO: It has been quite a while since I have preached on the subject of baptism. Since we are baptising this morning and this evening and another church--Bethany Baptist Church coming in this afternoon to use our baptistry, I thought it appropriate to preach on this subject.

There are very few doctrines in the Bible that have been the subject of so much false teaching since the time of Jesus Christ.
Important to rightly divide...
Important to be able to give an answer...
Important because we are not to be blown about...

I. Baptism is Important

A. Baptism is closely linked with salvation.
1. Mk 16:15,16, Act 2:38
2. Often people in scripture got baptized as soon as they got saved.
a. Act 2:41; 8:12; 8:36; 16:14,15; 16:31-34; 18:8
B. Jesus Christ Himself was baptized Mt 3:16
C. Jesus Christ commanded baptism Mt 28:19,20
APP: If baptism is commanded by Christ, if baptism is closely associated with salvation, if Christ Himself was baptized--then we ought to get baptized.

II. Errors Concerning Baptism

A. Baptism is necessary for salvation
1. Admittedly, if you take a few verses and read them out of context--you would come to the conclusion that baptism is essential for salvation. Certainly baptism is closely associated with salvation.
a. Mark 16:15,16
b. Acts 2:38
c. Acts 22:16
d. 1Pe 3:21
2. Groups that believe this
a. Jesus Only Pentecostals
b. United Pentecostals
c. Church of Christ
d. Roman Catholism--Read the account...
e. all these groups have many other serious doctrinal problems.
3. Refutation
a. The thief on the cross Lk 23:43
b. The promises of belief Jn 3:16
c. The definition of the gospel Ep 1:13,14
d. The relative insignificance of baptism 1Co 1:17
e. Jesus Christ was baptized Mt 3:16 Did He need to get saved?

B. Baptism is for infants and washes away original sin. Acts 16:34
1. Refutation--Mark 16:15,16; Mt 28:19,20
2. Refutation--Always was people who believed that were baptized--not infants--who cannot believe.

C. Baptism is by sprinkling
1. The meaning of the word--baptidzo--to immerse or plunge
2. The need for much water Jn 3:23

III. The Need For Baptism

Why would God require believers to be baptized? What is the significance or purpose?

A. Baptism identifies what you believe. Acts 19, 2:38

B. Baptism identifies you with those that you agree with 1Co10:2

C. Baptism identifies those who are truly saved
1. Showing a change of heart that desires to obey Jesus Christ
2. Showing a willingness to identify ourselves with the true gospel of Jesus Christ
3. Showing a genuine humility Mt 5:3

D. Baptism pictures outwardly what has taken place inwardly
1. Pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ Ro 6:3,4
2. Pictures the washing away of sin. Acts 22:16
3. Pictures the removal of the past life 1Pe 3:21
E. Baptism helps deliever us from a bad conscience. 1Pe 3:21


What about confusion with "Spirit Baptism?"