Herod's Temple

A Narration Text


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1. This series of slides shows photographs of a model of Herod's Temple. This was originally made for the World's Fair shown in Canada in the Israeli Pavilion. It was made by a Jewish family that spent over 20 years in Research checking out over 100 details of the model.
First we see an overall view of the Temple area, looking from the East Gate toward the west. From this view, one can see the East Gate, followed by the gate that enters into the Court of the Women known as the Corinthian gate, followed by the gate that enters into the Court of the Men, known as the Nicanor Gate. Beyond that, stands the Temple Proper which is the most prominent building in the area.

BEEP 2. This is a map of the area of the old city of Jerusalem, showing the location of the old walls of the city and the temple area where Herod's Temple was suppose to have been located. The temple area is marked with a dotted straight line.

BEEP 3. This plan of the temple area shows the outside wall first, and then the inner wall that enclosed the Court of the Women, the Court of the Men and the Temple Proper. There are several auxiliary buildings associated with the temple. On the right side of the building is the Tower of Lights and a building with a dome on it, that must be the place where the shew bread was baked. On the left side of the temple building, is the Senate Building where the Sanhedrin met from time to time, to carry on their official business of the Jews. Outside of the wall of the Temple Proper and inside of the outer wall, is the area where the people met for various kinds of business both religious and commercial. Shown in the light gray line surrounding the inner wall is the Wall of Separation that the Apostle Paul referred to, beyond which the Gentiles were not permitted to go.

BEEP 4. This is another overall view of the temple area from the view of the Eastern Gate. From here, one can see very clearly the Wall of Separation, separating the area in which the Gentiles were permitted, from the area in which only Jews were permitted. On the left side, is the Court of the Gentiles. In the immediate front is the Eastern Gate, which is probably referred to in the Scriptures as the Gate Beautiful.

BEEP 5. Here again, we see the Eastern Gate and one look at it gives us reason to understand why it was more than likely referred to as the Gate Beautiful. The beautiful carvings of the gates themselves. The stairway, the beautiful stones that make up the wall, the golden lions that are above the gate, all add to the excellent beauty and artwork of the Eastern Gate. The temple stood on the bare rock of Mount Moria and the model shows the bare rock of the mountain very clearly from this view. 

BEEP 6. We now look over the Eastern Gate or the Gate Beautiful at the Corinthian Gate, which is the entrance way going into the Court of the Women, beyond which is the Nicanor Gate going into the Court of the Men. Again the prominent building in the picture is the Temple Proper. 

BEEP 7. This view looks down into the Court of the Women, over the Corinthian Gate. In this area the women were permitted to come, but beyond this area, they were not permitted. The second gate in the picture is the Nicanor Gate through which the men could enter into the Court of Men. They could also go from gates on the left and right sides.

BEEP 8. A close up of the Corinthian gate that goes into the Court of the Women. In the near foreground one can see the Wall of Separation that separates the area of the Gentiles from the area of the Jews. This gate is not nearly as beautiful as the Eastern, but it is very ornate and functional.

BEEP 9. We now look down into the Court of the Women at the Nicanor Gate, with its circular shaped stairway, which enters into the Court of the Men. In the foreground various brazen tables can be seen in the Women's Court, where the priests would make offering on behalf of the women such as for cleansing and making of vows. 

BEEP 10. Going down into the Court of the Men, in the foreground, one can see another gate, where the men could enter to bring in the animals. The stairway on the left of the Court of the Men, goes up into the Temple Court Proper, where only the priests could enter. That area is where the animals were slaughtered and offered for sacrifice on the altar.

BEEP 11. Our view looks down into the Court of the Women, from the opposite side and one can see the money changer's booths where those who came to the Temple to offer sacrifices, could exchange their money for animals. On the near side of the court, the one closest to the camera, is the area where the cages were kept, for housing the animals and birds that were sold in this manner. This is the area where the Lord Jesus was first brought as a baby, when he was offered to the Lord, and where his mother brought him on the day she was purified. This is the place where Anna would have found him and where the prayers were offered in his behalf. In the early part of his ministry and also in the later part of his ministry, the Lord Jesus came into this area and cleansed the temple, turning over the tables of the money changers and driving the animals from this area. In the near foreground on the outer portion of the wall, one can see a cloister, where various types of business or perhaps public meetings were held from time to time. 

BEEP 12. This overall view shows the model of the temple from the northern angle. From this side, one can see on the extreme right, the Tower of Lights and the ramp leading up to the bakery building with the dome on it. Inside of the main part of the temple one can see the brazen alter and the priests that are gathered there for the purpose of worship.  

BEEP 13. This view of the north wall of the temple shows the northwest corner. The tower in the northwest corner is known as the Tower of Antonio. This is the area where the soldiers were housed who kept law and order in the temple area. Following along the western wall about two-thirds of the way back, is visible the Western Gate, that was very ornate, with the columns and stairways which entered into the temple area from the west. Just beyond that is the portion of the wall that is now known as the Wailing Wall. The only part of the wall of the temple that still remains.

BEEP 14. Taking a closer look at the Tower of Antonio where the soldiers were kept, we see just inside the wall, near the top, the wooden walkway on which the soldiers walked. Taking a careful look at the edge of the wooden walkway one can see a stairway rising up to this area. This is probably the stairway on which the Apostle Paul was carried by the soldiers when he was arrested inside the temple area, for the uprising that was created over him. When he reached the top of the stairs he asked the soldiers for permission to address the people. And from this place, he more than likely gave his famous sermon to the Jews, inside the temple area.

BEEP 15. Another scene showing the temple area from the north. From this point, can be seen the brazen altar in front of the building, behind it is the sea of brass, and to the right of the building the Tower of Lights and again the domed building which was probably the bakery. From here, we can see the main temple building setting on an elevated bare rock. Before the temple building itself, the beautiful stairway of white marble leads up into the main structure.

BEEP 16. This is a close up of the building, where the shew bread was baked. This of course is only a theory because it is uncertain exactly what this building was used for.

BEEP 17. We are now at the scene of the Tower of Lights, the highest structure of the temple area. On top of the tower, a priest is visible. The priest more likely was there for two purposes. First to oversee the activity in the temple area to make sure everything was being conducted according to law. Then perhaps also this man was used to call the people to the temple at times of public worship, somewhat similar to the way the Mohammedans do it today from the top of their Minaret. It may have been at this place, that the Lord Jesus experienced one of the three of His temptations by the devil. Either from this point, or one of the high points of the wall that overlook the deep valley. Or perhaps from the highest pinnacle of the main body of the temple itself.

BEEP 18. In this overall view of the temple area from the east, attention is directed towards the left, to the area known as the Court of the Gentiles. In this court, one can see the activity going on. Also we see the wall on the left side of the court, that is full of cloisters, rooms and buildings where many public meetings took place. Perhaps it was in this area, that the early Christians met before they were driven out of the temple. 
The area immediately behind the Gate Beautiful is probably the area known as Solomon's Porch, where the Lord Jesus conducted many of his public meetings. 

BEEP 19. This gives a closer view, at the Court of the Gentiles, and from this point, we can see very clearly the Wall of Separation and four or five stairways that cross over the wall. A close observation, will show that blocking access to each of the stairways, is a large stone pillar upon which was engraved a warning to Gentiles, less they cross over and be subjected to the death penalty. The little modeled people and animals that are here, illustrate the kinds of business, that were conducted, in the Court of the Gentiles. Even the establishment of booths and tents, to buy and sell articles, that were related to public worship. The portion of the wall, at the far end of the Court of the Gentiles is that which corresponds to the Wailing Wall today. To the right of the Wailing Wall is seen the Western Gate with its beautiful pillars and stairway leading out of the Temple area.

BEEP 20. Looking closely into the Court of the Gentiles we see one of the tents that is set up for the conducting of business. The portion of the wall towards the back that is visible, corresponds to the Wailing Wall. The wall along the left side would be the south wall. The main gates of the south contained the large brass doors that would have been closed immediately whenever the temple area was defiled, as at the time when it was suspected that the Apostle Paul brought a Gentile into the Temple area.

BEEP 21. Here we see the beautiful brass gates that were in the South Gate. This gate opened into the main portion of the city and this would have been one of the main avenues of access into the Court of the Gentiles.

BEEP 22. Viewing now the western wall, we observe the beautiful columns and the stairways that provided access into the temple area from behind the main Temple Building. In the foreground is the only bare ground that was inside of the walls. This is one of the gardens that was placed there by a king, probably Jehosaphat. In it you can see the palm trees and other trees that were there to decorate this small garden inside the Temple area.

BEEP 23. This building is located south of the main Temple Building. It is the Senate Building in which the Sanhedrin conducted its business the upper level, with its beautiful columns was probably the area where the official- business of the state was conducted by the Jews and the lower floor is where the meetings of the Sanhedrin were held. The wall has been removed on the right side so that we may have a view into the lower room. Seated on the red throne, one can see the High Priest with Scribes and attendants sitting before the 70 elders of the Sanhedrin.

BEEP 24. Looking at the same building from a different angle, permits us to look into the room to see some of the 70 elders of the Sanhedrin sitting in session. It was in a session like this, that our Lord Jesus was placed on trial before the Sanhedrin. At a later time some of the other Christians, for example the Apostle Paul would have been placed on trial in this very room.

BEEP 25. Now we have another overall view of the Temple Proper. Attention is called to the brazen altar and to the brazen sea of water behind it. It is resting on the back of 12 brazen oxen that are not clearly in view at this time. We'll see it a little bit later. Also from this view we can see the choir of Levites standing before the stairway that goes into the main temple area between the stairway and the brazen altar.

BEEP 26. Looking a little bit closer at this same area, we find the spot where the main activity of the worship of the people was carried on.

BEEP 27. This is a close up of the brazen altar showing on top, two of the priests preparing the wood for a burnt offering. In the foreground are carts which were used for carrying the carcasses of the sacrificed animals back and forth in the main temple area. To the right of the brazen altar can be seen the platform with rows of rings. These rings were used to hold the animals bodies during the time when they were cut and prepared for sacrifice. On the left side of the altar we see the ramp that rises to provide access for the priests to climb to the top of the altar. Clearly visible around the top of the altar are the horns of the altar on which was sprinkled the blood of the animals that were sacrificed. From this view the Brazen sea can be seen to stand on the backs of the 12 brass oxen. Behind the altar, before the beautiful white stairway, notice the Levitical choir, singers in red and the musicians in black. Also from this view, one can see the golden lions that stand on the stairway going up into the main entrance of the temple. Behind the lions on the stairs Levites or priests, dressed in white robes are engaged in the worship service in some manner. Some are perhaps singing, chanting or reciting parts of the ritual.

BEEP 28. This shows the Court of the Men. Notice the stairway on the left, giving access into the sacrificial area and the brazen carts that were used for carrying the animals bodies back and forth.

BEEP 29. Again, observe the brazen altar. This time giving a clear picture of the priests on the top, preparing the wood for the sacrifice.

BEEP 30. The scene here, shows the beautiful stairway, giving access into the main entrance of the Temple Proper. Before the stairway, we see the singers and the musicians and on the stairway just barely visible are the eight golden lions that stand guard along the stairway. The stairway comes up from either side and has a direct access going up into the main entrance of the Temple Building. Standing on either side of the main entrance, are visible the two brazen pillars, the tall pillars with ornate tops on them. These pillars were originally made by Solomon. The original ones were probably destroyed and these are the other ones to take their place. But on these pillars were written the Hebrew words Yahkem and Bahhos. The words are interpreted in Hebrew "May He establish it in strength". This is evidently a prayer of Solomon, concerning the establishment of his original Temple.

BEEP 31. We're now viewing the main entrance, going into the Temple Proper. This entrance would lead into the Holy Place, beyond which would be the Holy of Holies. Two Levites are seen standing here with their trumpets prepared for sounding a blast. On the other side of the doorway, are seen the two brazen pillars. Inside of the door, suspended on a golden chain is a cluster of golden grapes. Beyond the second door can be seen two of the golden candle- sticks.

BEEP 32. This is a cut-away view of the main Temple Building. It is another model. It is not the same model as the previous one, but it has the wall removed so that we can look in from the side. On the extreme left, can be seen the two brazen pillars that stand before the entrance way. The first entrance way provides access into the foyer where we see the cloister of golden grapes hanging from a golden chain and then another doorway entering into the Holy Place. Here we see the ten golden candlesticks and approximately ten tables of shew bread. In the original tabernacle there was only one each, but in this temple there were ten. If you'll look very closely you can see in the middle of this area, a priest standing in before the altar of incense, with his hands raised in prayer. To the right of the Holy Place, is the stairway going up into the doorway that enters into the Holy of Holies on the extreme right. The small room on the right is that room known as the Holy of Holies, the most sacred area of the Temple where the High Priest would enter only once a year, on the Day of Atonement.

BEEP 34. This close-up view of the foyer, shows the beautifully carved doors, and the golden cluster of grapes suspended from the golden chain.

BEEP 35. A closer view of the Holy Place shows the beautifully carved golden candelabra, the tables of shew bread, the various vessels for containing the bread and other items of worship in the Holy Place. The wall in the background displays the beautifully carved wood with the jewel like windows for providing a little light from the outside. Here the priest is clearly seen with his hands raised in prayer, standing before the altar of incense just before him. This would have been the area where the priest Zachariah would have been standing, worshipping the Lord at the time the angel appeared to him, announcing the birth of John the Baptist. The priests came into this area daily to conduct the worship.

BEEP 36. Observe now, the main entrance going into the Holy of Holies, from the Holy Place. The stairway going up to the doors, can be seen, also the beautiful carving on the walls. This illustrates the fact that the Jews did not regard art itself as idolatrous and contrary to the second commandment of Moses, but only those things that would result in one bowing down to worship. The 12 jeweled windows above stand for the 12 Tribes of Israel and illuminate with the colored lights for an atmosphere of worship.

BEEP 37. Pictured here, in the Holy of Holies, showing on the left over the entrance way, the veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place. This is the veil that would have rent in twain from the top to bottom by the earthquake at the time of the death of the Lord Jesus. Here the Ark of the Covenant is clearly seen resting on the highest point of the rock of the mountain, perhaps the very place where Abraham offered Isaac in ancient times. The poles in the corner on the left are the poles for transporting the Ark of the Covenant. The large Cherubim, with their wings overspread are like those that were originally placed there by Solomon. However the original Ark of the Covenant that was in the tabernacle did not contain these. It contained only the smaller Cherubim with their wings overspreading the mercy seat, the golden cover of the Ark of the Covenant itself.

BEEP 38. Our last setting, shows a very close up view of the Ark of the Covenant, with the Cherubim resting on the mercy seat over the empty space where the shekinah glory would appear at the time that the High Priest would bring in the blood for the Atonement of the sins. This is the place where the blood would be sprinkled. Inside of the Ark of the Covenant originally were kept the tables of the ten commandments, a pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded. This is that place where atonement was made for our sins and it stands as the type of our Lord Jesus Christ who was not only the sacrifice for our sins, but in addition He was the mercy seat. He was and is that place, where the atonement is made for the sins of all mankind.

Music up for 45 seconds then fade.