This is an Excellent Magazine telling the story of American's for Freedom --
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This link may break after a while, but you can click on the "View Sample Magazine" link in their main menu options if it does. We encourage you to subscribe using these links. But if you do not need hard copies of it, the first 15 issues are available free to you in pdf format below.
Prior magazine editions are linked below (small icon is a link to their site; PDF file large icon is a link to APN local PDF Version Copies 1-15 free to download).
Talk of a Second American Revolution is spreading and we uncover the truth for you in Issue #15. Features include; The Founding Terrorists, Tea Parties: Not Just for Boston Anymore, The Committees of Safety, Quelling the Rebellion, Ron Paul: Pillar in the Storm, Enemies
It’s Finally Here! Our highly anticipated 2nd Amendment Issue. Issue contents include: 3 Steps to Tyranny - The Truth About Gun Control, A Well Regulated Militia - True Homeland Security, A Quick Primer to Reloading Ammunition,
With an overwhelming outcry for the truth, we present the most shocking discoveries you may EVER READ! Issue #13 includes: The Fluoridation Gamble Fails the Test of Time, Healthy or Convenient - The Truth
Get Your Copies Now for The Operation Blockhead Action! On March 10th, Restore the Republic and Republic Magazine launch phase 3, “Operation Blockhead”. This effort is designed to throw off the yolk
Have you ever wondered who the REAL puppet masters are and where they get their power? Republic Magazine exposes the secret societies that have run America and its politics from the birth of this nation and before.
This special issue of Republic exposes the scam behind the Senate’s failed bailout plan and its ties to the corruption in Washington and the FED. Features include: Birth of the Beast - G. Edward Griffin, Interview
COMMON SENSE; Revisited was written with one purpose in mind: to light the fire of liberty that burns within every human heart. There is a phenomena occurring in America today. People are beginning to listen to an inner
Share this issue with others to wake them up about who is really controlling America and Barack Obama, John McCain: Has the Straight Talk Express Been De-railed?, Barack Obama Vs. the US Constitution, Ron Paul’s
Abolish the Fed & Restore the Gold Standard, Stop Polarization of America(Republican vs. Democrat), Replace the IRS with a Constitutional Tax System, Restore American Financial Responsibility, Make computerized
Learn to protect yourself against this tyrannical national ID card.. which is already LAW!, RFID: Global House Arrest - A Conversation with Katherine Albrecht by Lee Rogers, Biometrics. No Need for Papers - Learn
Slaying the Beast - Tommy Cryer’s win against the IRS, Tax Honesty Movement - a history by Michael Lemieux, Exposing IRS Tactical and Psycological Warfare on Americans- Peymon Mottahedeh, Flex Your Rights, Activist Profile: We the People Foundation, The IRS and the Federal Reserve.. Fraternal
Amero, Republic Vs Democracy, America’s Financial Collapse, Real ID in Keystone State, 60 Second Activism, Activist Profile ‘This Nov 5th’, Off the Grid: Life without Banks, Constitutional Discipline - Coinage, Year in Review, Stolen Liberty Dollars.
Country, Salute to Aaron Russo, Interview with Loose Change, 60 Second Activism, Activist Profile "We Are Change", Off the Grid: Alternative Energy, Constitutional Discipline - 2nd Amendment, Militia -Property of We The People, When Your Party Fails You.
Second Activism, Activist Profile ‘Ron Paul MeetUp-Austin’, Off the Grid: Organic Gardening, 9/11 Six Years Later, Constitutional RE-Education, The End of the IRS Pt.2
Our premier issue features: When Liberty Weeps - The Ed and Elaine Brown Story, The End of the IRS - Sherry Peel Jackson, Killing the Real ID, 911 - An Inside Job? - Interview with Steven E. Jones. This issue is currently SOLD OUT!
but endorses, the Campaign for Liberty .
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