I first met Mark at Westside Care Center, Manchester, sometime in 2004. He's been in several residences since then but his faith kept standing out in my mind since he left the Hartford area. His poetry is at When Mark could be depressed about life, what does he do? SING! 1/ 'Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus', Don't let the confusion of lines fool you. In his day, he could recite long verses of poetry and complex calculus problems. Life has dealt him some "in--hospital'" complications chunking out his vitality, just like many of us. Our response is what is most notable, is it not? 2/ This is the only hymn he heard his father sing: 'I Love to Tell the Story' This video, only momentarily [1:47], shows a brief pan over to a Bible I left for him to read. (You can see the fluid injector unit now providing the fluid vital for life since he cannot eat much of any food. The past over-weight condition has provided reserve support for him, and now he looks so much stronger in spirit, and we are grateful for God's grace in his life.) =====I became interested in a more personal level of support for him when in 2017, after what must have been a half dozen years or more of his praying, God answered. How? The beautiful folks at Deep River Baptist Church! Why? They took this man in who lived only 3 blocks from his Adult Residence Center after I brought him one Sunday, noting myself it was a potential connection for a church that has a genuine love for the God who answered his prayers! Kudos, Pastor Kirk Hagert, and the rest of you'all! Address: 24 River St, Deep River, CT 06417 I can recommend your visit there. You will be hard pressed to find a more welcoming family, and you will hear how to get a personal relationship with God that will inherit you a home in heaven in a biblical way. For more on this see: