Earth Day by Mark Rockefeller C:\Patwp7\Westside\MRockefeller\poems\20d22-Earth-Day-Poem3pp-MBR.txt Earth-Day--Mark-Rockefeller-2:59 PM 4/6/2020 Earth Day Let's be very thankful this Earth's Day; So far it's the only planet we have to stay! Earth is so very special in so many ways, Fortunate for us it has so many good qualities, I'll say, If not for all those qualities we couldn't survive; It would be impossible for us to stay alive. Our atmosphere has oxygen and carbon dioxide -- The Animal kingdom (including fish) breathes, The Oxygen exhales carbon dioxide. Plant kingdom breathes carbon dioxide and exhales oxygen. Thank you, Brother Tree, for the air that I breathe–oxygen! I'll happily supply you with the carbon dioxide you need! If that balance alone gets out of keel Life would be most difficult for us to deal. We also need pure drinking water. Fish also breathe Oxygen: Their gills get it from the water dissolved within. So do other land creatures; Plants have photosynthesis. Animals live on their blood; If not for good soil, trees and plants could not grow. It's very important that they do! We and other creatures need food; Without our good soil and moisture plus sunlight, Trees and plants and vegetables and fruits, We'd all become extinct! We and other kinds of life need food to eat. Farmers may spray their crops with chemicals: That may cause foods to be unhealthy; Spraying for mosquitoes Can cause birds to become infertile, Or, other pollution can cause food to be full of mercury, Or, other impurities affect other life. And well, you see, the rain forests are mostly gone. Our Ozone layer has destroyed ultraviolet light Causing havoc with lots of wildlife on our planet. The USA is in a league of its own When it comes to the amount, And types of garbage thrown out. Our food may not only be unhealthy But down right dangerous! Our oceans are in trouble! Wellerburton species such as All 7 species of giant Sea Turtles! Einsteins say, “No more Honey Bees,” And 3 Years later, “No more humans be!” Bats, Bees, Birds, Butterflies pollinate Food which is very important to our diet All creatures on Earth have their spot. They all have a way to interact. St. Francis of Assisi not only prayed For humans and spiritual cares But all creatures of the earth which we share We have our first Pope of Franciscan order (Pope Francis I) God told man to be stewards of the Earth; It appears He over-estimated our worth Lots of our estuaries are great grounds for life I'll mention just Chesepeake Bay. Great food for our delight, But if not for small sponges and mussels, That purify the water, There’s no reason why we can have, That mighty factory of food there. But lots of species are already gone; Looks like others won't last long. Earth has so many unique qualities That make life so special for us and other species; Even our Moon has lots of special features; Makes life here better for other creatures. We have an especially large Moon *_“The moon’s gravitational force pulls on water in the oceans so that it creates two tidal “bulges”, one towards the moon and the other in the opposite side due to inertia’s counterbalance. See: Watch the Earth’s “Perpetual Ocean” in web page above or at: !That helps tremendously for life to go on. Of course, effects tides near shore and estuaries, Also effects fish, wildlife even human activity. Tides, yes, but also pulls* at water, In the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Stirs water up to keep our oceans from becoming stagnant. Result: our oceans become practically lifeless. Also our axis is tilted a strategic 22.4 degrees If not, lots of life on Earth would be nearly impossible. Water contracts as it gets colder Until it reaches 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Then it starts to expand to our delight– If not, lakes would freeze bottom up – not from top down. If that were the situation most lakes would freeze solid in winter In summer a couple of feet on top would melt Meaning all life comes from slop! Mess up the air – you'll die! Mess up the water – you’ll die! Mess up the soil – yes, and you'll die eventually. I'm an optimist because I believe The Heavenly Big Guy will have the last word– ... If it were left up to us (and it says so in "The Word") –(Matthew 24:22), Bible All flesh would perish BUT it's not up to us: Or else we'd have "The Late Great Planet Earth" (A book by Hal Lindsey of the 1970s) The Nicene Creed, said at every mass, Says the same thing – only in different words. By Mark Rockefeller Poems by Mark Rockefeller can be found at: This poem named: “20d22-Earthday-MBR”