C-Virus 11:59 AM 7/3/2020 Mark Rockefeller ===== C-Virus Panademic Once in a lifetime an event Envelops the globe doing so much damage LBJ, The Bushes, Obamo, too That ahead an event like this years ago A Smithsonian Magam Author hyposhocind an event of such horor He even thot perhaps origin China 36 million place Mo Wu They soon Had it controlled. But then, without warning, The Villian started spreading everywhere Mid-east, Southern Europe, Rest of Europe Subcontinent of India, Africa, yes even Australia Seattle, worst place of all! New York City, which entails N. Jersey, Long Island And Connecticut Where I live -- Result America had to go into lockdown Medical professionals Overworked Food Delivery and Removal Supermarkets, Social Distancing enforced, While shopping they may find a treasure: A crate of Ex-Extra large toilet paper Some not happy at all Had it delivered fo a toll Small businesses, schools, even sports A lot of people want to Work Not wait Or their debt will go way out of sight We have to get this just right Open too soon a flare-up in sight. What does the Panedemic me? I missed College and NBA playoffs No Baseball No fishing, No visit from my cousin. House-bound, no visitors allowed, Can't leave my room without my mask; I was not getting into the great out-of-doors It's easy to find social distancing there! Miss getting together with some of my friends BUT It gives me time to catch up of things I've neglected long enough Most of all sorry for all the health problems of others And what it did to our economy Now no free community college school or affordable health care too I believe in a Higher Power When we finally recover I hope he gets lots of the honor Not just man!