Welcome to our Chris Lanyon Memorial

family in 2020

Her Legacy Continues in the life of her only living sister,
 Mary Davis, Missionary to Haiti

For Texts/Email Current on Mary : www.aprayernotebook.net/each1helps1/texts.htm

1. The 2 hour Memorial Service at Truth Baptist Church 11/18/2023:


2. Her Color Obituary in the East Hartford Gazzette

East Hartford honored her by this elegant full color photo and obituary published free but in a very low circulation paper.


Her Online Memorial at the East Hartford memorial helping business, Newkirk & Whitney


3.  Christine Lanyon Wake/meet-n-greet us:

Was in our Living Room live streamed in a Zoom on Friday, 11/17/23, 6-9pm recorded in 2 sessions by David: 1) https://www.aprayernotebook.net/each1helps1/chris/zoom/100_1653--lanyon-home-zoom1of2Nov17.MP4

2) https://www.aprayernotebook.net/each1helps1/chris/zoom/100_1658-lanyon-home-zoom2of2Nov17.MP4


4. Chris' Lanyon Memorial Service from Church on Youtube Recording:
10:30am Saturday time. Begins at 5:00 minutes approximately.


5. The Oct 9-November 18, 2023 history is retold by scrolling on our Facebook (has always been 'public') site;

@ctlanyons: www.facebook.com/ctlanyons

6. Make Memorial donations here:


6. A saved copy modified from Facebook, useful especially if you don't use Facebook go to

my A P N site: an> www.aprayernotebook.net/queenchristine/cranial

for Chris, http://aprayernotebook.net/queenchristine/

Email prayer correspondence to wisefavor@gmail.com

We will update in a biographical post later.

7. We invite you to become acquainted with our CT Ministry through our website:

A Memorial Calendar for 2025:
