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Haitian Team for Christ Report



LATEST NEWS -- Jan 27, 2017 Email Report received from Mary:

2016 Report: 225 Decisions for Christ in 7 months

Otherwise three months [of 2017] in USA [I was] with family and friends; [1] May was rainy season; [2] October-hurricane Matthew recovery. In [3] November I suffered a fractured wrist from a motorcycle mishap while taking discipleship lessons to a mountain church in Camp Perrin. I have just regained use of my wrist and am retraining my fingers to work.

We are blessed to enlarge our evangelism ministry to transport ministry teams in a car provided by a friend of Pastor Prince in Florida. There will be an additional expense to maintain it. As we prepare to contact the churches we have been involved with before the hurricane, to determine their current needs and to continue in evangelism and discipleship with them, we are struggling because we have very little additional resources to help them.

I praise the Lord I could come to Haiti self-supported by USA Social Security. However to be a blessing to our Haitian brothers and sisters, we ask for your prayers for their needs: food, building materials to rebuild homes & churches, ministry auto maintenance, tracts and bibles.

I came to Haiti with purpose to show a poverty stricken country that GOD loves them and the need to trust HIM in every situation; that our faith in GOD is real- to live for and be willing to die for.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” We all need GOD’s vision: To gather a holy devoted people in complete fellowship with HIM “as ONE” in the image of HIS GLORY. Amen. PRAISE THE LORD!

Mary 4 GOD in Haiti

[Text we received on 10/26/2016] Praise the Lord! He blessed us to survive the approx. 12 hour Oct. 4 hurricane and flooding rain last Friday. Though we lost our church, where people had gathered for safety, roofs off where we live, and the roof and front of church fell on the ministry motorcycle, we were kept safe. Many trees that supplied the people with food fell or tops were taken in the tempest.

Pastor Prince used the tin that came off the church roof to replace the roof on the 2 rooms where he, his wife and 5 children live and to rebuild 1/2 the church roof to make a place to worship. The front is full of rubble. Praise the Lord, God led another missionary, Jeff and Cindi Farber, whom Pastor Prince translates for, to give him the money to buy another ministry motorcycle because they believe in our ministry.

[You can clearly see the value of a motorcycle in this Youtube video that has clips given below in "Drone" labeled pictures of this album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5QLneU5QUo
 Use this link for unlinked text in descriptions below

We have been teaching from Job: "The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." "Though He slay me yet will I trust in Him." "Gird up your loins like a man" - in steadfast faith in God; and Revival - Let us come before Him broken - of our will so He can work His sovereign will through us and fill us to overflowing with his life-giving Holy Spirit. Here we must get out and point suffering people to the God who can make all things new.


I pray God may bless you as you look to Him with your whole heart

Mary 4 God's will in Haiti

Please pray for Mary, she fell off the new motorcycle and severely sprained her foot while traveling after the storm. She has received medical attention for it in FL while on furlough for a few weeks in December.

Also pray for Pastor Prince's family in the death of his mother while he was on furlough. Her funeral was 12/27/16, and they could not remain in the U.S. very long. His big burden is to see the power of VooDoo diminished greatly while they preach the saving strength of Jesus over Haitian souls.


Haitian Team for Christ Report -- Photo Gallery


2 accepted Christ here.

Mary with Pastor Mardi and neighbors of Les Anglais whom we shared the Gospel. 2 accept Christ.

Pastor Prince with 6 [who ] accept Christ.

Gospel given to children with Wordless book; Pastor Prince with 6 accept Christ.

Outside a house in Les Anglais.

Many accept Christ at this house also in Les Anglais.

Lady with Mary accepts Christ.

Lady with Mary accepts Christ; then we prayed for the child.

In the St. Jean area.

These children accepted Christ here in St. Jean area.

Evangelism expansion - 6 on 3 motorcycles

2 hours to Les Anglais to share the Gospel;

People need the Lord.

Pictures DO communicate the heart of needs!

Pastor Prince Teaches Discipleship

Discipleship class without much light; church packed as Pastor Prince teaches.

Building house for Pastor Prince and family of 6.

Les Anglais - carving boat as we share.

They wanted to hear us!

Outside Pastor Prince's church, children play ball.

Last picture before hurricane when this church suffered much damage.

We were invited to church

It was up a mountain pathway for ½ hour and then we parked motorcycles and walked another mile to the church in the mountain.

Notice the water reflection glare overshadowing the meeting!

By the time church started, it rained so hard you could not see out the door in the back.

They heard about salvation through Christ and need for discipleship of new believers.

They made commitment for discipleship class and made plan for evangelism with us following week.

There were 2 decisions and other witness for church to follow up on.

Church leaders outside mountain church.

2 weeks later the church was destroyed by hurricane.

Pastor Prince's church building lost its roof, but was retrieved and used to cover half of church and his home in the aftermath.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Parts of the roofing blown off homes and buildings.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Clouds still overhead!

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Trees make of a large portion of Haitians food source. Mostly gone now!

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Stunned by the devastation!

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Pastor Prince's home before repairs...

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Pastor Prince home -- roof needing replaced. Portion of church roof was used.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Pastor Prince in front of his home.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Road near church ministry area.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Blue tarps are provision of Samaritan's Purse Ministry.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Notice the tree damage is extensive-- here is probably the highest force of storm impact.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

More graphic views of home damages.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Residents surveying damages.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

Almost all green vegetation is stripped completely away, blue tarps were wide spread evidence of America's help at crucial time.

Laptop camera shots of Pastor Prince's church ministry areas immediately after the storm left.

1 of 11 Screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.

These next 11 are screen shots I (Br. Pat) copied from a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the landscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016. Take the link to the source video posted above this album for the amazing tour of this city BEFORE this devastating hurricane.

2 of 11 Screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots (time is stamped below each) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

3 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

4of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

5 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

6 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

7 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

8 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

9 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

10 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

11 of 11 Screen shots (time is stamped below) of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes.


These are screen shots of a 2016 Drone flight over the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape before this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

1 of 8 Screen shots of Videos of Storm aftermath near Les Cayes.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscapeafter this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

2 of 8 The bridge that cut off access to Western Haiti.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

3 of 8 A Les Cayes road damaged severly in Western Haiti.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

4 of 8 Tree and crop damage -- only source of food for some there.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

4 of 8 The Bridge/road behind her completely washed out.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

6 of 8 An Over head view of bridge.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

7 of 8 Trees - leaves, palms stripped early completely!

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.

8 of 8 An Early post-storm picture and a news report of damage.

These are screen shots of 2016 youtube vids of the Southwestern town of Les Cayes -- Depicting clearly the lanscape after this storm hit Haiti October 3-4, 2016.