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Last report was of 11 voodoo priests kings who came from Africa to rededicate Haiti to the devil. We know God is greater than anything they can do. During that time the Christian Churches were holding 3 days of praying and fasting.
We continue to take the gospel in the Les Cayes surrounding area: 12 decisions in August; Encouraging evangelism: Training for 60 people in east Les Cayes. Training for west Les Cayes and Bible seminar for 150 pastors and leaders next week. Thanks for prayer for Christians to stand for Christ in Haiti and everywhere! Amen? 9707
Thanks for contributions for Bibles, New Testaments, John-Romans shipping cost,
gospel tracts and copies of Creole Seminar outlines. Thank you for those who
contributed wedding dresses to encourage Christian marriage here.
Victory in Jesus in all we do we pray. Mary {Received text 8/26/19}
Power Point Presentation for Downloading: SW Haitian Evangelism.ppt
Slide Thumbnails (Click to view full size) {right click and choose new tab or window} then (use back browser command >) return.)
Maps, slides 13, & 14 "10 Numbered Haitian Departments"Cavillion