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A Pocket Edition in the KJV
Jude 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. Mal 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
This little 16 or 21 page document can be printed on 4-6 sheets of regular typing paper, cut and stapled to make your own portable prayer guide to fellowship with God in detailed prayer on the go. This is an effort to obey the command in 1 Thess. 5.17, 'pray without ceasing.' A Text copy: is included below: [2011 version] link file [2014 version] link file A - D A I L Y - P R A Y E R - N O T E B O O K (Outline Only KJV) Prepared for ________________ _________________ Outline Introduction With References Only {from Part II of the Whole} Text: Matthew 6.9-13 (KJV text) The MANNER of Prayer: Principle/ Description "After this manner, therefore pray ye, . . ." Our A personal relationship-- I am His child. (My needs first) Father A family relationship--He is my Father. which art in heaven A humble relationship--I pray from earth. OUTLINE Hallowed be Thy name. 1 ADORATION -- I set You apart today because of... DT 6.5, HE 11.6 "He is" 1.1 WHO YOU ARE -- You are the _____ God. 1.1.1 Infinite (endless) 1 KI 8.27; JE 23.24; 1.1.2 Eternal (timeless, enduring) PS 90.2 1.1.3 Immutable (changeless) JA 1.17 1.1.4 Simple (understandable-enough to worship) JN 4.24 1.1.5 Unified (solitary, undivided) DT 4.39; 6.4 1.1.6 Sovereign (supreme ruling) EP 1.11 MT 20.15, RO 9.20,21 1.1.7 Omnipresent (everywhere) PR 15.3 1.1.8 Omniscient (all-knowing; all-wise) PS 139.4; JN 16.30 1.1.9 Omnipotent (all-powerful; strong) PS 147.5; MT 28.18 1.1.10 Just (One equal to judge all) PS 9.8 1.1.11 Loving (One who seeks the best)1 JN 4.10 Mercy (Withholds Judgment) Grace (Gives Undeserved Help) Forbearance (Shows Patience and Longsuffering) Goodness (Seeks Good in All) 1.1.12 Truthful (One who is always right) JN 14.6 1.1.13 Free (One bound by none) IS 40.13,14 1.1.14 Holy (One separate from all other) 1 JN 1.5 1.2 WHAT YOU DO -- You give me . PS 100.4; HE 11.6 "a rewarder" 1.2.1 Spiritual blessings (eternal) EP 1.3 Salvation (redemption) of Soul (Eternal) 2 CO 9.15 of Life (of Testimony, or SANCTIFICATION) JA 1.21 Revelation of Yourself JN 14.9 of Your will PP 2.13 of Your call 1 TI 1.12 of Your Word JN 17.18 Preparation (training through affliction) PS 119.75 Testing (proving character) DT 8.2 Leadership (help to become) JOS 3.7 Friendship (fellowship) 1 JN 1.7,3 Privilege (to glorify God) MT 5.16; RO 15.6 Inheritance (wealth hereafter) CL 3.24, 1.12; RO 8.17 1.2.2 Earthly Possessions (temporal) PP 4.19 Thy kingdom come. 2 ANTICIPATION -- I ask that Your rule and reign would come to pass. I pray that... 2.1 SALVATION -- Your rule and reign might come into the lives of each one who does not know You. MT 18.2,3; EZ 33.11; 2 PE 3.9; 1TH 5.9 2.2 EVANGELIZATION -- You would send more laborers to reach them. LK 10.2 2.3 FERTILIZATION by Discipleship -- You would guide me to one or more to disciple for Your kingdom. MT 28.19; 2 TI 2.2 2.4 OCCUPATION -- I might faithfully OCCUPY each stewardship in preparation for Your kingdom with prudence and wisdom. LK 19.13; MT 25.27 2.5 EXPECTATION -- I might await eagerly EXPECTing with anticipation the coming of Your kingdom. RV 22.20
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. [This section is more complex because it is the most significant and requires the greatest commitment to fulfill, but specific scriptural guides are given!] 3 SUBMISSION - INTRO-- The goal. Heb 12.9 -"shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? [to actually enjoy the life God has given]" Col 1.9 For this cause [the Colossian's faith shown by good works] we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might ... [Prayer for self, and here for others, enables knowledge and execution of God's will to be done.] "BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS WILL in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" -filled= the start is as a tank that is empty. -wisdom= the proper use of knowledge, or understanding. -spiritual= knowledge pertaining to non-physical dimensions of life. Col. 1.10 "That Ye might 3.1 WALK WORTHY- "walk worthy of the Lord" 3.1.1 MOTIVE (my genuine purpose) "Unto all" I want to become whole-heartedly submitted to do God's will. "Pleasing" My motive is to make the LORD joy-filled with my actions. ("all") I am not to please myself, as much as others! 3.1.2 RESULTS (the actual end of my life) BEING FRUITFUL in every good work.
[Done if we ...] Walk in the Spirit not in the flesh. Galatians 5.15- 25. "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." V19...the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness [lewdness], 20 Idolatry, witchcraft [sorcery], hatred, variance [contentions], emulations [jealousies], [outbursts of] wrath, strife [selfish ambitions], seditions [dissensions], heresies, 21 [Envy]ings, murders, drunkenness, revellings [reveleries] [WARNING:] and such like, of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. [Or, if habitual =implies lack of the genuine!] In order to be fruitful I must first learn how to... WALK IN SUBMISSION to Your will. I need...(Character Traits) PR 4.23 "Issues of Life" -Deal with "self-will," it automatically opposes God's will. SENSITIVITY to recognize Your guidance. PS 48.14 PATIENCE and ENDURANCE which You will give when I ... HE 10.36 Wait on God (spend time with) PS 37.7; IS 40.31 Trust in God (acts that affirm so) RO 8.31 MEEKNESS to have Your attitude of yieldedness. MT 11.29; JA 1.21; RO 6.13 DETERMINATION to not waver when I know the way You want for me. JA 1.5,6 PERFORMANCE to assure that my human will acts accordingly. JA 1.22; 1 CO 9.27 SUBMISSION- To be fruitful in the WILL OF GOD, I must second make good KEY "life-affecting" decisions, including my... MATE (Spouse for life)/ FAMILY GE 2.18,24; 1 CO 7; MT 19 CHURCH / SCHOOL HB 10.24,25; 2 TI 2.15 MINISTRY (Spiritual gift) 1CO 12.5; RO12; EP4; 1PE4 {The spiritual gifts of today: [others were temporary in duration, and given for a special limited "sign" or purpose]} The believer's gift of today is singular, but composes varying amounts of the following gifts, individually bestowed. Faith Teaching Helps (Ministering) Administration Exhortation Giving Mercy Evangelism Pastor-Teacher Hospitality HOUSE (dwelling place) PS 127.1 WORK (Occupation/Vocation/s) PR 14.23; 2 TH 3.10 and INCREASING IN the KNOWLEDGE of God"; Col 1.11 "STRENGTHENED WITH all MIGHT, according to His glorious power, (v. 11) unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; GIVING THANKS {Compare 1.2} (Blessings from God- WHAT YOU DO – Col. 1.12 "giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. (v. 12) {compare Privilege} (Purpose of Col 1.22 to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight:---
Give us this day our daily bread. 4 PETITION -- I now ask You to supply my needs for today. But first I pray for important KEYS to successful living every day, and then for the ELEMENTS of life. 4.1 KEYS FOR SUCCESS -- I pray for... 4.1.1 Spirit-Control of my mind. *** RO 8.6 4.1.2 Death to my sinful nature. RO 8.13; JN 12.24 4.1.3 Balance in properly redeeming time. EP 5.15,16 4.2 ELEMENTS OF LIFE -- I pray for... 4.2.1 SPIRITUAL purity. First. CL 3.2 MT 6.33 4.2.2 PHYSICAL control (of food sleep, exercise, sex--the basic human drives) 1 CO 9.27 [SEE MORE AFTER SECTION 6] 4.2.3 MENTAL/ EMOTIONAL -- [right thinking] PP 4.8 4.2.4 SOCIAL -- favor (time with/for others.) PP 2.3 4.2.5 FINANCIAL stewardship. 1 CO 4.2; MT24. 45-51; 25.14-30 Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. 5 CONFESSION -- As I have kept short sin-debts by immediate confession of sins You have revealed, I now pause to examine my heart further for wrong attitudes. As You convict, I will once again make confession of my sin and remember it's results. Matthew 5.3-10 "Blessed are..." 5.1 THE BEATITUDES -- Lord, help me... 5.1.1 To obtain spiritual goals You expect, that I might receive the fullest reward in heaven. 3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 5.1.2 To weep over sin You reveal to me, that I might have the peace of Your forgiveness. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 5.1.3 To yield when I am shown sin, so that I may receive my earthly inheritance. 5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 5.1.4 To desire being right in thoughts and actions, so that I will live right continuously. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. 5.1.5 To show mercy as I have received it from You, that I may have Your mercy's fullness. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 5.1.6 To have an undefiled conscience, that I might have intimate fellowship with You. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. 5.1.7 To love and respect others as You do, so that I may have a godly testimony among them. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. 5.1.8 To rejoice when I am hurt or suffering for doing right, that I may have "the persecuted's" reward in heaven. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 5.2 The Doctrine of CONFESSION -- Today I agree with You LORD that I have failed in the particular way(s) that You have revealed to me. Now I... 1 JN 1.6; PS 66.18; JA 1.15 5.2.1 CONFESS -- that _____* was a sin in Your eyes because You said _____+. 1 JN 1.9 *=Specifically name the sin. +=Name the scripture bringing awareness. 5.2.2 FORSAKE -- and turn from it, but only with Your help. PR 24.18 5.2.3 BELIEVE -- that this sin is now removed from me. I will continue to renounce it and trust your Word. PS 103.12 5.2.4 *I Am FORGIVEN -- and thus my offense is removed completely. *RO 5.9 5.2.5 *I Am CLEANSED -- and thus my usefulness for service is restored also. *1 JN 1.7 5.2.6 *I Am BLESSED -- I have Your joy, peace, and favor restored to my life now. *PS 32.1; 51.12; MT 5.4 ____________ *=God's responsibility and work which I believe He does upon my confession. Penitential Psalms for further meditation: 6,32,38,51,102,130,143.
And lead us not into temptation, 6 RESOLUTION -- I acknowledge, O LORD, my proneness to yield to temptation, and to fail in trials that come to me, and through Your Grace I resolve NOT to forsake You. But deliver us from evil. 6.1 PRESERVATION by GRACE -- I believe that You will give me the necessary GRACE (help) to be victorious throughout life. 2 CO 9.8; 1 CO 10.13 6.2 PROTECTION by ARMOR -- I acknowledge now my need for deliverance from all evil: (From Satan, the World, and from my sinful Flesh) by putting on Your armor. I now put on... 1 JN 2:15 Ephesians 6:10-18 6.2.1 The BELT OF TRUTH -- I am sure the Bible is reality, the truth. 14a) Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, 6.2.2 The BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS -- I live intending to BE right always. 14b) and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 6.2.3 The SHOES OF GOSPEL WITNESS -- I eagerly prepare and tell others the 'good news' of peace through salvation. 15) And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 6.2.4 The SHIELD OF FAITH -- I will so act today as to demonstrate I trust Your Word completely when Satan sows doubt in my heart. 16) Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 6.2.5 The HELMET OF SALVATION -- I have unwavering assurance that I am saved. 17a) And take the helmet of salvation, 6.2.6 The SWORD OF SCRIPTURE -- I take the Bible and consistently memorize and meditate on passages that help me fight all evil. 17b) and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 6.2.7 The BOND OF PRAYER -- I have a realization that I need to depend on Your Spirit through prayer moment by moment to use my armor and glorify You. 18) Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; Conclusion Adoration (compare 1A.) v13b: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. __________ Supplement to PETITION PRINCIPLE, [see 4.2.2(4A2B2C) "PHYSICAL"]: SCRIPTURAL REASONS TO FAST One or More Meals Today I feel a special need to set aside _____ hours today to pray WITH FASTING (MT 17.21). I desire for myself meekness about this as well as: thoughtfulness to others affected, my purpose to fulfill this desire, and a proper reward (MT 6.17,18) in the completion of this special period of fasting and prayer. I will furthermore fast only with wisdom, caution, proper medical understanding and personal preparation. TIME OF SPIRITUAL TRAINING DT 8.2,3; LK 4.1,2 I am being prepared by the Lord for some special spiritual service to Him. NEED OF SPECIAL HUMILITY JL 2.12,13; PS 35.13 I feel a need to humble myself to show a special repentant spirit for God's mercy. A CRITICAL DECISION TO MAKE AC 14.23 I have a life-critical decision soon to make that requires special assurance of God's will. NEED OF SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE EZ 8.21,23; ES 4.16 I have a special need to manifest the power of God for some work or project. NEED OF SPIRITUAL INTERCESSION DA 9.3,5 I have a special burden for the need of some one, or some thing. APPRECIATION PR 27.7 I have a need to gain greater appreciation for God's gift of food. MOURNING 1 SA 31.13 I have deep sorrow over the death of a loved one. These are at least the 7 main reasons to fast. We must not overlook Jesus' teaching regarding when NOT to fast: THE TIME NOT FOR FASTING. TIME FOR FEASTING/ GREAT JOY Mr 2:18-28 During times of great joy, people are to feast and rejoice. Intercessory Prayer for others. 8.1 Use "a list of your roles" or use your address book: 8.1.1 personal- family, friends 8.1.2 church- a/pastors, b/teachers, c/deacons, d/missionaries, e/evangelists, f/organizations (called "para-church"). 8.1.3 employment- a/employer b/coworkers 8.1.4 civic -leaders: a/president(s) b/officers, c/rulers, d/representatives 8.1.5 global - nations, ethnic & missionary
Prayer "Issues of life" Pr 4.23 (Examples) 9.1 (Special or Cyclical Burdens) use "a list of your roles-". 9.1.1 Salvation of personal family members 9.1.2 Spiritual Growth Concerns 9.1.3 Spiritual Goal(s) Attainment 9.1.4 Anticipate attacks from the Evil One. Reply with Faith's Shield. 9.2 RESPONSE- 9.2.1. "If God be for us..." Believe He is for me! 9.2.2. Believe He will protect and preserve [Is. 12.2] me and my family. 9.2.3. Make my time at home more spiritually joyful. 9.2.4. Reach out to help [spend time witnessing, etc.], trusting that God will keep His own, and 9.2.5 Devise plans that will CRUSH SATAN. {2Cor. 10.4} (For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 9.2.6 While reaching out- Cast down imaginations, and high things of an evil nature - submit every thought to spiritual priority. 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.} [This is the enduring spiritual life-keeper activity, because I keep my mind on Christ, His life and purpose moment-by-moment, and am kept from evil thoughts that result in sins and fellowship's loss which results!]
pno-kjv-pocket-w-color2014i24.wpd --revised, updated and edited September 24, 2014 |