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The 1980 Prayer Notebook (thumbnail graphics of the first printed PNB) Recent and ACCESS Pages Access all You can see articles by yours truly, pastors, and missionary web pages we're hosting, and other Christian helps here including, among others:
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Main Links Web Folders: A Daily Prayer Notebook Main Index Learn to Pray Page Index -see all the p-n- documents Bible Study Intro Index
Latest full entire version My Classes Links: DPN Class List and Links in their Context (to be updated as completed) Personal Links: 2006 Web Edition Guest's Daily Prayer Notebook\
The 1980 Prayer Notebook (thumbnail graphics of the first printed PNB) Recent and ACCESS Pages Access all You can see articles by yours truly, pastors, and missionary web pages we're hosting, and other Christian helps here including, among others:
Family Links: Resources for your Family : Audio or Video Freedom Index My Business Links
Main Links Web Folders: A Daily Prayer Notebook Main Index Learn to Pray Page Index -see all the p-n- documents Bible Study Intro Index
Latest full entire version My Classes Links: DPN Class List and Links in their Context (to be updated as completed) Personal Links: 2006 Web Edition Guest's Daily Prayer Notebook\
The 1980 Prayer Notebook (thumbnail graphics of the first printed PNB) Recent and ACCESS Pages Access all You can see articles by yours truly, pastors, and missionary web pages we're hosting, and other Christian helps here including, among others:
Family Links: Resources for your Family : Audio or Video Freedom Index My Business Links
Main Links Web Folders: A Daily Prayer Notebook Main Index Learn to Pray Page Index -see all the p-n- documents Bible Study Intro Index
Latest full entire version My Classes Links: DPN Class List and Links in their Context (to be updated as completed) Personal Links: 2006 Web Edition Guest's Daily Prayer Notebook\
The 1980 Prayer Notebook (thumbnail graphics of the first printed PNB) Recent and ACCESS Pages Access all You can see articles by yours truly, pastors, and missionary web pages we're hosting, and other Christian helps here including, among others:
Family Links: Resources for your Family : Audio or Video Freedom Index My Business Links Doctrines of Modern Faith Healers introduction | TESTS OF A PROPHET | Doctrine: (The Christian Science Connection * The Promise of Prosperity * The Bible on Prosperity * Christ's Example |The Doctrine of Positive and Negative Confessions | The Wrong God | The Wrong Jesus | Charismatics & the Ecumenical Movement | Conclusion The primary test of God's approval is not whether:
but, does it line up with the Word of God.
In our last study we focused on two primary topics:
In this study our goal is to analyze several modern faith healers with "tests" given to us in scripture.
Doctrine The Christian Science Connection A study of the Word Faith movement reveals that nearly every major person in the movement was mentored by Kenneth Hagin or one of his close disciples. It is also clear that he is responsible for very major doctrine of the Word Faith movement. (1) D. R. McConnell found that Word Faith teachings are not original with Hagin but with a faith evangelist named E. W. Kenyon. (2) McConnell showed that Hagin repeatedly plagiarized long sections of his writings word-for-word from Kenyon's material. (3) Two problems exist with this. First; Kenyon's roots were in the metaphysical cults, not in Pentecostalism. He was a faith healer in the tradition of Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science.. (4) He attended a college that specialized in training lecturers in the metaphysical science cults. McConnell shows conclusively that Word Faith teachers owe their ancestry to cults like Christian Science, Swedenborgianism, Theosophy, Science of Mind, and New 'Thought – not to the Bible, or even to Pentecostalism.(5) Second, Hagin claimed that God revealed directly the very
Words he was plagiarizing from E. W Kenyon, John A. Mac Millan, and Finis
Jennings Dake (author of a well-known Pentecostal Study Bible). (6) Hagin
lifted about three-quarters of his book The Authority of the Believer word-for-word
from a magazine article by MacMillan.(7) The worst part of this is that Hagin
made claims that he got much of this material directly from divine inspiration.
He has written, "The Lord Himself taught me about prosperity. I never read
about it in a book. I got it directly from heaven." (8) He claims to have
received numerous visions as well as eight personal visitations from Jesus. Word Faith writings carry titles like How to Write Your Own Ticket with God, (9) Godliness is Profitable, (10) The Laws of Prosperity, (11) God's Formula for Success and Prosperity, (12) God's Master Key to Prosperity, (13) Living in Divine Prosperity, (14) and Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer. (15) (16)
Word Faith preachers teach that whatever you say will come to pass if you believe it. Hagin has written "You can have what you say. You can write your own ticket with God. And the first step in writing your own ticket with God is: Say it. He says later, "If you talk about your trials, your difficulties, your lack of faith, your lack of money – your faith will shrivel and dry up." Paul's Teaching Unfortunately for the Apostle Paul, he did not receive this revelation from God. Paul talked about his trials but then showed how God's grace was able to give him strength to endure. 2Co 1:8-11; 7:5-6 Paul used his trials to prove his apostleship. 2Co 6:3-10; 11 :23-31 esp 27 Paul actually said that when he was weak, that’s when God could use him the most. 2Co 12:7-10 The Bible makes it clear that if people teach that godliness
is a means of gain, we are to withdraw ourselves from them. 1 Ti 6:3-5 Some Word Faith preachers try to prove that Jesus was materially wealthy while on the earth. However, He plainly said, And Jesus said unto him, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head. -LUK 9:58 Neither Jesus nor Peter had sufficient to pay the temple tax
without supernatural provision. At his death, He had only His robe as a
possession. The Doctrine of Positive and Negative Confessions This doctrine is built on a total misrepresentation of several verses such as: And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. – MAT 21:22 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. – MAT 7:7,8 However a thing cannot be believed in faith unless God has promised to give it. If it is not His will, a person can "believe" with "perfect faith", and not receive because the person's "belief" and "faith" are only "make-believe" and "false faith". True faith is rooted like David's in the promise that God has spoken. "And now, O LORD God, the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said. " – 2SA 7:25 Even Jesus Himself prayed that the cup would pass, but then added, "not My will but Thine be done". Many do not get what they pray for--though they make many "positive confessions" because "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." -JAM 4:3 John says that obedience to God's will is the assurance of answered prayer. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. -1JO 3:22 John also says that asking according to God's will gives. assurance that God will answer. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. – 1JO 5: 14,15 James says that to assert our plan without conditioning it with God's will is sin. Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into
such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas
ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life ?
It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth
away. For that ye ought to say, if the Lord will. we shall live, and do this. or
that. But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil. -JAM 4:13-16
Word Faith preachers teach that it is man who releases the power of God to work. Charles Capps has written:
Norvel Hayes says that prayer does not have to be to God. It is the word that we speak that actually has power.
Copeland teaches very clearly that we are "little gods" and that we are in the "God class".
He says that when Jesus died on the cross he won for believers the right to be born again back into the "god class". Because Jesus deity includes "healing...deliverance...financial prosperity, mental prosperity, physical prosperity, [and] family prosperity" we that are in the "god class" are guaranteed these same blessings. (20) Copeland continues his blasphemous statements saying:
Kenneth Copeland teaches that Jesus Christ had no more power than the average Christian living in the power of the Holy Spirit:
He also teaches that Jesus was a "born-again man." He says that as a born again Christian he could have gone into hell and conquered Satan as Christ after the crucifixion. He says the Spirit of God told him this.
Copeland says that during the crucifixion Jesus actually took the nature of Satan.
Copeland says that Jesus died spiritually on the cross.
Fred Price teaches similarly to Copeland that Jesus was dragged into hell by Satan and tormented for three days and three nights .
In a nationwide interview on Trinity Broadcasting Network with Paul and Jan Crouch, Copeland was interviewed and asked about this teaching.
"Thus the Word Faith movement has concocted a theology that makes sinners gods and requires the sinless Son of God to be born again. Moreover it sees Satan as the righteous judge who exacts payment for sin from Christ. " (32) Charismatics and the Ecumenical Movement Probably one of the clearest areas of error in the Charismatic movement is the promotion of the ecumenical movement. The ecumenical movement is the movement to join all "Christians" and more broadly all "believers in God/god" into one universal church. This error is clearly the work of Satan in preparation for the coming Antichrist and his False Prophet. Revelation 13. Charismatic cults are springing up that include a blending of Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, with the teachings of the Western Charismatics.(33) "The overwhelming majority of charismatic leaders still hope for a worldwide ecumenical church under the leadership of the Pope. " (34) edited January 7, 2001 cpl. The foot notes and bibliography should be available at a later time. Back to Index | TBC | Heart Searching |