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HAITIAN Harvest for Christ
Maps Index

The Les Cayes City Evangelism event:

Learning the Departments in SW Haiti: Watch the Powerpoint in downloads for 2019.

Mary's Ministry Areas in FOCUS in Haiti

2018 July: "Nippe" is a 300 Church Ministry Opportunity Church center/Area asking for Evangelism Seminars she has been invited to, and it is located in the middle of the Western Haitian peninsula.


(The area is facing food shortages)
The map shows geographical named regions in the context of famine preparedness.

2019 Seminar Ministry Expansions

2019 Seminars Expansion Map

2018 JanMary-Haiti-Ministry-Map:

Jan 2018 Ministry Areas



March Map for 2016 Carre-Haiti Camp-Perrin, 2016

Sept 2016 Ministry Areas: see maryreport2016.txt for more!


More Maps:

Geographical of Country map1 Political/Tourist

Political Relief of Ministry Area with areas to be highlighted

Northern Haiti New ministry Area:

Take the link on each map thumbnail for a larger map.


We thank you for your interest in this missionary outreach in Haiti. If you wish to immediately begin support her, you may send  checks to her at her address on the Home page.

 For further information call 419-564-2846.

 Album: Haitian Team for Christ | | Her 2015 PDF for Reporting | December 30 Update Included

This page is compliments of www.APrayerNotebook.net . Please consider giving your life a living sacrifice to missions: Volunteer for Missions

 2015 Txts Sent/edited for Reports text file. | 2016 Texts Sent/edited Reports

Donations via Mail:
17264 San Carlos Blvd. #128 * Fort Myers, FL 33931
For further information when not stateside, call Debbie c)419-564-2846.
Furlough Phone 239-896-4896 * In Haiti 011-509-4872-9701 (Text enabled)
DONATIONS via Email: cplmtc@glorycarpetcleaning.com (PayPal Only, & specify "Mary Davis")

We at www.APrayerNotebook.net are proud to provide this website.
Please consider giving your life a living sacrifice to missions: Volunteer for Missions


Our album can be viewed here.

  Our Report's images are visible by taking the thumbnail links,
but to print just use our newsletter PDF link here.

 For 2018 texts: Text of Mary's 2018 Reports
(about once each week and monthly emails included inside that text document!)

She has a great burden to minister to the Western Coast (Roche-a-Bateau area) which has been greatly devastated by the October 4, 2016's Hurricane Matthew.

South-Western-Haiti This map enlarges to a screen clip of Southwest Haiti's major towns mentioned by Mary in her texts.

We thank you for your interest in this missionary outreach in Haiti. If you wish to immediately begin supporting her, you may send  checks to her at her above address. For further information call her before August Departure: 239-896-4896.

We at www.APrayerNotebook.net are proud to provide this site for Mary.
Please consider giving your life a living sacrifice to missions: Volunteer for Missions

Mary Davis is a fitting illustration of this quote of John Falconer,
given by Dr. David Gibbs at the Spiritual Leadership Conference, June 2008,
at Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster, CA, home of West Coast Baptist College.
You may download the 3 hour service (last hour is Dr. Gibbs' message) on our server, Missions Conference 2008 LBC


Those interested past visitors will need to visit  Former Index. OR our Archives: Folder or Documents

Haiti Needs Christ NOW!