APN Home Page Haitian Harvest: Latest Newsletter Online Video-Part 1 192K DL Online Video Part 2 229K DL
HAITIAN Harvest for Christ Text Updates WELCOME! Texts/email directly from Mary in Haiti: To see to past PDFs & albums check them out in our "ARCHIVES" section:
CT Web Edits updated Album: SW Haitian Evangelism PowerPointVideo live from TBC Sun Eve 8/4/19 Service upload: https://youtu.be/OEkpuUnSmt0 Most Recent 2022 Texts are on Top first...Looking for 2021? See Haitian 2021 Harvest for Christ TEXT Updates(Email & Text, latest update reproduced below! Refer to the text file for the year's monitored reports as linked by year above.)
2022 Ascending Update Texts and Emails
Nov. 22, 2022 Nov. 6, 2022 Please be sure to review
all the news items made available in August 2022 not included
here but in "News and Events" at: ![]() ===== “I'm a little slower now. Greetings to members and any visitors to Truth Baptist Church, the light in the darkness in this area. I've been so pleased to visit and worship with you over the years and, as I told you the last time that I was here, my sister Christine Lanyon was my inspiration to spread the gospel and to be surrendered to God. And her husband Pat has been a great inspiration and assistance in my becoming more “technical” to reach more people faster. So I'm very glad to be here and I have been working all summer since I've been in America to (1)visit family (2)go to the doctor (3)be involved in fair evangelism in Ohio (4)see a doctor in Florida and (5)finishing my website, www.haitievangelisminaction.com. “Okay ... so I’ve been working on that, and then we'll have a little handout as a continuing prayer reminder if anybody wants it after the service with that website name on it and what we're doing there. Okay so I went to Haiti on a short-term mission trip and to practice evangelism with an interpreter. I was invited to continue to help in Haiti in evangelism, and if God could use me there, I was willing to go. So that's what I reported last time I was here. “So, in the meantime, we've been going on evangelism door-to-door. We've seen over 2600 decisions in eight years. I was invited to do pastor seminars, but what they really wanted me to do is to pay for it. If the pastors were to come, somebody needed to pay for the food for them. But I said if I’m going to go and if I’m going to speak I want to share the best that I know, after 30 years in evangelism, and in 40 years studying my Bible. Now in America we study our Bible, we have many study aids, and what a blessing that we don't realize that we have to know the Word of God, to know what God has to say. So I go to a country that didn't have education, that didn't have the children going to school. Now only some of the children can go to school in Haiti, if they can afford to go at all! Now people are becoming more educated but don't have the Bible and there's nowhere to buy one! There's hardly nowhere to buy one in the Haitian Creole language in Haiti and they're very, very, expensive if you do find one!]. And so if we studied the Bible shouldn't we take what we know to share with somebody that doesn't have it? “By going to Haiti, I wanted to see if I could talk to people, share the gospel, and see if there were decisions. So during my first short-term trip there, there were 20 decisions. On my second short term trip there for two weeks, there were 191 decisions! They were totally receptive! I thought that if they are so willing to listen, then I’m willing to tell it! “How about you? And so it would be great! I’m a widowed woman now, and wouldn't it be great if younger people would come into this fruitful ministry? It can be a little bit hard, but with God on your side you cannot lose! And so I have this website to tell what we do. We give out tracts and we give seminars on Encouraging Evangelism. So I have been teaching it, and Pastor Prince who has been my translator, really, is the one giving the message to the pastors, and he has continued in this ministry while I’ve been in America and there have been great results. “They had an evangelism seminar for the youth. 81 came extremely interested, and want more training. And they loved the idea that we provide tracts for them to go out when they go out on evangelism. And of the places we have given evangelism seminars (only one that we know of) went out and they had 159 decisions that they reported! And then we were invited to participate in a crusade in the north (we're in the south). It is north of Port-au-Prince. Pastor Prince sent his wife and in that crusade there were 27 decisions. Otherwise, Pastor Prince had 29 decisions going on evangelism with pastors that we work with, pastors that took it to heart! We tell them: ‘We're willing to help you have an evangelism program and we're providing the tracts, the John and Romans, and Bibles ... as much as we can bring into the country’ And so, it's been very exciting and we've developed discipleship training that we offer also. That group that had the 159 decisions wants the discipleship training. But things have been very poor and hard, hard, on Haiti just like things are hard in America. But it is especially hard on them in Haiti! They could before get a bag of rice for a thousand goude or ten dollars and now it's 4,500 goude or 45 dollars! ... but they, they work in goude — It takes a lot of marketing to try to sell your onions or your tomatoes and come up with 45 dollars to buy a bag of rice to survive on! The price of gasoline went up from two dollars and fifty cents a gallon to twelve dollars and fifty cents a gallon! Because criminals won't let the gas come in, whatever is there, they can charge whatever they want for it. It is hard on the ministry then to have the money for the gas to go; well, I provide that too! So the people in Haiti are very poor and it's hard for them to do anything, but we're doing something because of gifts from America! “And so ... it's an exciting work! And so we will eventually, if they want discipleship training, we'll see that they get it! Every November 1 and 2, which is a secular holiday in Haiti, (November 2 is Celebrate the Dead) we take those two days (there's no school; there's no work) and we take those two days to go on city-wide evangelism in Les Cayes, Haiti, the place where the earthquake hit. 125 thousand people live there, approximately. All of the teams, churches, and pastors that we have been giving the seminar on evangelism, we have invited to participate this year in that citywide evangelism. We're also planning on providing them food, or at least water, and so I pray that it will go well! Every year the devil does fight! One year big protests with the burning tires and cars and couches in the street and also with the pouring of garbage into the streets so nobody could pass so I walked around it and then the earthquake last year, all stuff to hinder but we've carried on and pray, and I pray that we will be able to do it again this year! “The Lord is blessing! Blessings always! We have been getting more and more opportunities. Another group ... Oh, I forgot to tell you on the website, I hope you will look and see that it's not just myself and interpreters but we're now with four pastors in what we call Haiti Evangelism in Action. It was an evangelism commission, but that's the name that we have now. We have a new office that needs to be furnished. They want me to provide a laptop and printer, maybe a table and chair. I'm not sure what else. “Now we're a group of evangelism evangelists, that is, people in evangelism working together to reach Haiti and working through the churches in Haiti. We've been invited by another group that reaches the whole country to be available to go and train in evangelism anywhere they would call us in the country and it is so very exciting and so I would love to have your prayers for Haiti Evangelism In Action! This is not a usual church type of mission, but if the idea is good may it spread. Anyway, praise the Lord for what He's doing if we just yield our life to God and let Him lead us where He wants us to go. And He makes it all possible! Praise the Lord! [Pat asks from the audience, 'Why don’t you share about the plane that got burned up?'] “The airplane, do you want to hear about the airplane that got burned? Okay, Agape Flights, Agape Missionary Flights, is a fine missionary organization. They are now in need of two or three pilots. And I know there's a pilot training program in Ohio. In the aftermath of the earthquake, they flew many missions to Haiti bringing food, clothing, blankets, and tarps to the people. But, I think it was March, my memory is fading a little, I think it was March, they were there in Les Cayes to check on a project. In March, they still had some money left from donations to help people from the earthquake and they were helping a church rebuild and they were carrying a thousand dollars to give to me to help rebuild a church in the inner city of Les Cayes damaged by the earthquake. We had been on evangelism with Pastor Senat and his wife for three years in this very poor area along the sea coast and their church was damaged by the earthquake; a crack right through the floor, cracks up the wall through the window up to the roof. The church was still standing and they were told, ‘tear it down, it's a danger!’ The pastor prayed and continued to have services, and so the pastor had no one to help him rebuild and I said ‘I want to help you’ and I told those people about it who were on my email prayer letter. Agape said, ‘we want to help you.’ The Agape CEO was bringing me money the day that their plane was burned by the protesters! The protesters didn't realize they were burning the plane of people that had helped them! They were unhappy because the prices of things are so high and they wanted to do something about it. They get everything from Port-au-Prince and the gangsters had taken hold of the city on the national route and wouldn't let the buses come through unless they shot ... at them or broke their windows. Somehow the protesters had the idea that whoever owned that air service was funding the gangsters the service could have more money, more income! I don't know how true that was, or not, but the protesters marched down the road to the airport where they were stopped with police and tear gas. So they got mad and said ‘we'll burn this old plane!’ Well, that old plane was a missionary plane! Okay however the Agape Flights says ‘Our, agape love doesn't stop! We love and pray for these people and we want to still give you the money for the church!’ They suffered a great loss but insurance covered the loss, plus donators across the country gave them 4.5 million dollars to buy a brand new nice plane. “Okay, well, praise the Lord for what God is doing! We just need to be yielded to Him so that He can work through us in however way He would please. Thank You. Editor post script https://youtu.be/Lrl613nwXD8 is the entire service, her portion is 10 minutes after the start. It was a great testimony of praise to God in an gravely needed place to conduct ministry! 5/26/22 Email -- "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it." Psalm 127:1 As I prepare to return to the US June1st to see family and have doctor appointments in Florida, I pray that I am leaving things well, in God's continuing work in Haiti. I praise Him for the opportunity to be used by Him in the ministry to build His house in Haiti. I plan to be in Ohio by July 16 for the memorial service for my husband, Art Davis. During my stay in the US, Pastor Prince will oversee the continued evangelistic ministry in Haiti. Lord willing, I hope to return in September.
In May, we saw 18 decisions for Christ. Working
together with Evangelist, Brother Gerald Carisme, founder of
Association Pecheurs dAmes (Fishers of men/women) d Haiti,
we saw an additional 35 decisions in the Les Cayes area. He
has invited me to join his mission trip to Grande Dept 3rd
week September & Nippe last of January 2023.
Enclosed are photos of
Brother Gerald and Pastor Prince on evangelism with Pastor
Senat in LaSavann, where we, with a contribution from Agape
Flights, are assisting to rebuild his church which suffered
damage in the walls & floor in the August 14 earthquake, The
Church of God on the Rock (Baptist) is in a poverty area
along the sea coast of Les Cayes.
Also enclosed are
photos of the work on the church. They tore out 1 wall, replaced it & have taken
out the 2nd wall. The last photo is Pastor Senat with Pastor
Prince inside the church.They will send photos of the
finished rebuilt church which will have more iron supports
than the original structure.
One life to Live, together with you and with Him, for the Glory of God, Mary See Documents of Latest Seminars.
4/29/22 Email 03/31/22--09:17am Report in a graphic: https://aprayernotebook.net/each1helps1/images/22c31agape-plane-burned-haiti.jpg ----
3/25/22 1 of 2 Emails
"Remembering to Be Thankful" -- Praying for our
understanding of what God allows and knowing there is
nothing that happens outside His sovereign will. So we
pray for each other and our Christian response of faith
in it.
Rom 12:9-21 .."Abhor that which is evil; cleave
to that which is good.
v-10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with
brotherly love; in honor preferring one another;
v-11 Not slothful in business; fervent in
spirit; serving the Lord;
v-12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation;
continuing instant in prayer;
v-13 Distributing to the necessity of saints;
given to hospitality.
v-14 Bless them which persecute you: and curse
v-15 Rejoice with them that rejoice, and weep
with them that weep.
v-16 Be of the same mind one toward another.
Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low
estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.
v-17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide
things honest in the sight of all men.
v-18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you.
live peaceably with all men.
v-19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but
rather give place unto wrath; for it is written,
Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
v-20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him;
if he thirst give him drink; for in so doing you shall
heap coals of fire on his head.
v-21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil
with good."
Praise the Lord. His way overcomes.
Though things darken in our world, Thank you God
that you are the Light of the world and if we follow
you, we don't have to walk in the darkness. In the
darkness of satan's influence prevailing in voodoo "as a
way of culture" in Haiti, thank you that we overcome in
our faith in Jesus the Son of God who came in the flesh
to save us.
Thank you that though we lose strength and
abilities as our body ages, we know "our time is in Your
hands, we watch, work & wait within Your will," knowing
He which begun a good work in us will perform it until
the day of Jesus Christ.
1Peter 5:10-11 "But the God of all grace, who
has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect,
establish you, strengthen, settle you. To Him be glory
and dominion for ever and ever. Amen"
On Wednesday afternoons, I take 2 tap-taps
(public transportation) from the rural area where I live
(1 hour) back to Les Cayes and north to Simon, where I
walk (40 minutes) to home of MEBSH - Cite of Light to
join missionaries from US, Canada & Germany for a
worship service in English. Because of the danger of
being out after dark, I stay at the MEBSH guesthouse. I
have WIFI there and can communicate by email on Thursday
mornings. I praise the Lord for this blessing which I
pay for by cash contributions from friends. Thank you
friends for prayers and gifts for Haiti: Evangelism in
Because of health problems, I have felt a little
discouraged (satanic influence). But by the power of the
Holy Spirit, these words of the Lord pick me up and by
the grace of God I pray that I would be a testimony for
Him and His glory as long as He gives me life to go for
Him. If the Lord wills, I will be here until June when I
return to Florida for doctor appointments, then to
Mansfield, Ohio for a memorial service for Art, July 16
and then through summer.
[See link to PDF "22c24WhomDoYouServe..."]
2 of 2 on 3/24/22
pictures will be added to the folder of Church
Rebuilding link previously given.]
First there is picture of inside at front of
People who lost homes in the August 14 [2021]
earthquake live in tents in front of the Church. There
is a project that will build homes for these people.
Mrs. Senat in evangelism
I will send more info and pictures as the work
proceeds. Thank you for your prayers for these people
with no hope but God.
3/24/2022 9:30 AM Email The 3/23-24/2022 Quake map and links: Text information file: 20c24QUAKE.txt https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/place/6100/earthquakes/les-cayes.html This accounts for all quake activity recently from the Les Cayes Haiti map, even though the quakes have been in the Carribean above the SW penninsula and one below it closer. 3/17/2022 Email With you I am sorry about the world situation. I pray for you, my Christian friends & family and thank you for your prayers too.Just this last week, God brought to my attention this Child Evangelism story of Patrick, A Man who Loved God's Word. Things were hard in that time of 372-492 AD also.
Patricius Magonus Sucatus was called Saint Patrick and we
know that saints are people who have believed in the Lord
Jesus Christ as their Savior Eph 1:1; 1Thes 3:13. In the Old
Testament, Saints were believers in God & the promised
Savior 1Sam 2:9; Ps 37:28; Zech 14:5.
Patrick's parents, in their village along the coast of
Great Britain, were rich and believed in the living God &
His Son Jesus Christ as Savior from sin. Patrick liked to
have fun: hunt deer, hike, swim & play games. He did not
want to hear about Jesus Christ or his own sin problem. He
ignored his pastor's advice to accept Jesus as His Savior.
One night when Patrick was 16 years old, he heard noise
and screaming. Irish raiders had attacked his village,
burning buildings. His sisters were tied & taken. His
parents lay still on the ground. Would they die?
Patrick was tied up & taken with 1000 prisoners to a
ship, one of hundreds, he saw by moonlight. Horses, jewels &
furs were loaded on board by the pirates. Patrick thought,
"O God, is this my punishment because I had no time for
you." Patrick knew he had sinned by not
following Jesus. Rom 6:23: "The wages of sin
is death." Patrick knew he had to start paying attention
to God. His happy, carefree life was changing too fast to
ignore God anymore.
Patrick was sold as a slave to a chieftain named
Milchu, a rich, cruel Druid. Druids were witches, magicians
& sun worshipers (voodoo in Haiti). Their work was
mysterious. Patrick had to take care of the pigs & sheep in
the mountains. Milchu snarled, "Find a cave to sleep in and
hunt for food. He gave Patrick a flint to start a fire.
It was a hard life but slave life turned Patrick to
God. He had no other hope for a better life. He repented of
his sins & accepted Christ as his Savior. Soon Patrick was
talking to God all day long & even in the night. Patrick did
not have one page of the Bible to read but he remembered
bible verses his parents had made him learn & they helped
him. Patrick prayed with other slave boys there. He learned
more about the Druids who taught people to worship stones,
stars, sticks & wells and offered human sacrifices for luck.
Patrick refused to go near their secret meetings. His mother
had taught him. Ex 20:3 "You shall have no
other gods before Me."
Ps 119:11 "Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might
not sin against you."
Josh 1:9 "Be strong and of good courage. Be not afraid or
dismayed. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you
After 6 years in slavery, Patrick seemed to hear God
speak in his heart, "You will soon return to your own
country." A few nights later he dreamed, a
ship from Britain was in harbor 200 miles away. Patrick
trusted God to lead him there. When he arrived, the captain
said, "If you can't pay, you can't board this ship."
As Patrick turned away, he remembered Ps 50:15, "Call
upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you & you
shall glorify Me." Patrick prayed, "Oh God, if you
led me here, please help me now." Patrick
heard the pounding of feet. The sailor said , "Come back."
The captain said, "Climb aboard." God had
answered Patrick's prayer.
3 days, a storm grounded the ship. For a month they wandered
until their food was gone. The captain said, "What do you
say now Christian? If your God is so great, pray to Him.
We're dying of hunger." Patrick replied, "Turn
in faith to the Lord God. Nothing is impossible with Him. He
will send you food." Patrick remembered, "Phil 4:19
"My God shall supply all your need." Soon they
discovered a herd of wild pigs. They cooked the pigs & ate
all the meat they wanted.
Finally Patrick got home to see his parents again. They
hugged & cried, "Don't ever leave us again." But Patrick
could not forget the beautiful green island of Ireland and
all the people who did not know the living God. One night
Patrick had another dream. He saw the place where he had
prayed. He saw his friends & heard them cry with arms
outstretched to him. "Come back and teach us Patrick." Patrick
was sure God was calling him to return to Ireland as a
missionary. It wasn't easy but Patrick had chosen to obey
God. In Ireland, he traveled on foot preaching & leading
people to the Savior. Patrick explained, "God loves you
and wants a personal relationship with you. But your sinful
hearts keep you from knowing God until you come to Him & ask
Him to take away your sins. Jesus is God & King of kings,
but He loves you so much, He left Heaven to come to Earth as
a human baby long ago. He lived a perfect life. When He grew
up, He took the punishment for your sins by dying on a
cross. Jesus did not stay dead. God gave Him life again. He
later returned to Heaven. Receive Jesus as your Savior, and
you will one day be with Him in the place He prepares in
Heaven forever. Many people accepted Christ and did not
become followers of the false Druid teachings in Ireland.
Patrick had learned Ps 119:9 "How can a
young man keep his way pure? By living according to your
Word." Patrick loved God. He spent many
hours talking to God in prayer. God protected Patrick
because He loved and obeyed God & His Word. Rom 8:28 "And
we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to His
purpose." Patrick went from disobedience to slave to
missionary. It is believed 200 churches were planted,
100,000 converts baptized, a growing missionary movement
developed to Scotland, England, France, Germany &
Switzerland & training schools established through Saint
Patrick's work in Ireland. Praise the LORD.
A PDF Link and 5 Original IMAGES of her 16 Discipleship Lessons
I am sending an attachment of encouragement from God's Word,
Notes on Charles Stanley's "30 Life Principles"
2/24/22 10am Emailed 1 of 3
Here above
is a family picture (for full size click picture) of Pastor Jean
Wilfrid Prince, his wife Mirtha and children: Esther, Junior,
Domisen, Wil Kerry, Wil Kaby, and Fred.
![]() Pastor Prince and myself illustrating using our Gospel teaching tool or tract "Between You and God (creole) from Equipping the Saints. (for full size, click picture)
Pastor Prince in Pastor's seminar on Encouraging Evangelism for 50 pastors & leaders in Randel, Haiti. The only way to get there is by rocky river bed. Dec 27.He makes all things new in 2022
At Sanibel Community Church in Florida, they are starting a new program of
Disciple training. Great! I am always looking for best teaching for Haiti.
But I won't be here. But a leader in the church, Evangelism pastor,
Doug Hummer, told me the program came from Capitol Hill Baptist Church in
Washington DC and I could download it. What a blessing that is!
I see Matt 28:18-20 in 3 parts: 1. Go by command & authority of Christ and make disciples in all nations. 2. As they come to salvation & a desire for commitment to Christ by baptism, welcome them into the Church. 3. Teach and train them as Christ taught - discipleship training or better yet disciple training. And God is with us. We cannot fail.
As I am getting older, I look to encourage others to participate in this
work of encouraging evangelism and discipleship in the churches in Haiti
where otherwise this emphasis is lacking.
Pastor Prince is full of the Spirit and zeal in this work. I would like to recommend him and encourage churches in America to support him in continuing this work of encouraging churches to have an evangelism & discipleship program in their church. We provide tracts, bibles, handouts for lessons & cost of seminars through contributions we receive. Pastor Prince continues in presenting seminars in "Encouraging Evangelism" while I am in USA. We want to acquire equipment to provide crusades and could use a strong vehicle to travel across this country and a projector to show Christian films & teaching in French, their formal language. We intend to promote our work, Lord willing with our new web site, haitievangelisminaction. {Watch the 7 minute presentation at Truth Baptist Church South Windsor of 2016, May 29, here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvIAbyX1ey0&t=5s}
This week I pray for safety in returning to Ohio, and Lord willing, to
return to Haiti at the end of the month. Thank you for heartfelt prayers and
Please pray for revival in Haiti as well as America and every place God has
sent his own that all things may become new among us in 2022. PTL. Your
sister in Christ, Mary
To donate items via their Air delivery service: Send to: Mary Davis CAY 28861, c/o Agape Flights, 100 Airport Ave E, Venice FL 34285. www.aprayernotebook.net/each1helps1 We thank you for your interest in this missionary outreach in Haiti. If you wish to immediately begin support for her, you may send her checks (tax-exempt) or monetary donations via: Pastor Robert Kurtz <pastorkurtz@mbt.org> Mansfield Baptist Temple.
Donations via Mail: We at www.APrayerNotebook.net are proud to provide this website.
We at
www.APrayerNotebook.net are proud to provide this site for Mary.
Mary Davis is a fitting illustration of this quote of John Falconer,