Tuesday Bible Study Notes
Westside Care Center Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Mr. C. Pat Lanyon
Review: God expects us to be ANTICIPATING
We prepare for His Kingdom by
1) Salvation,
2) Evangelization of the lost,
3) Fertilization of believers God calls us to disciple,
4) Occupation by doing His work while we wait, and
5) Expectation for all the hope and blessing it will bring.
Today we now consider the Third PRINCIPLE OF PRAYER: from the
passage Matthew 6:11
These 2 pages give an overview of the entire section.
From the Prayer Notebook:
3A. SUBMISSION – I pray that I would honestly yield to Your authority, and
thus walk in Your will because
I am continually making decisions according to Your Word. I realize that in
order for me to...
1B. BE FILLED with the knowledge of Your will. I will need to gain... CL 1.9ff
1C. WISDOM and
2C. SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING – I realize as I am seeking to do this, it will require a receptive spirit obtained only through key ingredients below (1D.- 5D.) Only through developing these Character Traits can I gain spiritual wisdom and understanding.
PS 48.14 1D. SENSITIVITY to recognize Your guidance.
HE 10.36 2D. PATIENCE and ENDURANCE which You will give when I ...
PS 37.7; IS 40.31 1E. Wait on God (spend time with)
RO 8.31 2E. Trust in God (acts that affirm so)
MT 11.29; JA 1.21; RO 6.13 3D. MEEKNESS to have Your attitude of yieldedness.
JA 1.5,6 4D. DETERMINATION to not waver when I know the way You want for me.
JA 1.22;1 CO 9.27 5D. PERFORMANCE so that my human will acts accordingly.
OBEDIENCE, "To show that you believe"
Since working on these character traits, I am better enabled now to advance toward a...
2B. WALK WORTHY of the Lord, fully pleasing Him
1C. FRUITFUL in every good work,
2C. INCREASING in the knowledge of God, and to be
3C. STRENGTHENED with all might according to His glorious power for...
1D. (All) PATIENCE and (below, longsuffering with joy) as You strengthen me with Your might I will find enablement for receiving
HE 10.36, 37 1E. PATIENCE and ENDURANCE which You will give when I ... (God's patience, also is described for me as endurance)_
PS 37.7; IS 40.31 1F. Wait on God (spend time with)RO 8.31 2F. Trust in God (acts that affirm so)2D. (All) LONGSUFFERING with joy._
3B. GIVING THANKS to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. _As I have already given thanks for many of Your blessings to me I will now give thanks for gaining an inheritance in the saints through my willingness to begin to obey Your will. giving thanks to the Father
Through my confidence by now comprehending I am fellow-partaker of the true Light's Inheritance, I shall be even more enabled to make key decisions concerning Your will for my life. You will moment-by-moment and day-by-day lead me for these CRITICAL CHOICES: For me to...
4B. Decide to do GOD'S WILL, I must make good "life-affecting" decisions, including my...
1C. MATE (Spouse for life)/ FAMILY GE 2.18,24; 1 CO 7; MT 19
1D. Spouse EP 5.25
2D. Child(ren) EP 6.4
2C. CHURCH / SCHOOL HB 10.24,25; 2 TI 2.15, PR 19.27
3C. MINISTRY (Spiritual gift, you have one composed of varying degrees of each of the following:) The spiritual abilities of today: 1CO 12.5;RO12;EP4;1PE4
1D. Faith
2D. Teaching
3D. Helps (Ministering)
4D. Administration
5D. Exhortation
6D. Giving
7D. Mercy
8D. Evangelism
9D. Pastor-Teacher
10D. Hospitality
4C. HOUSE (dwelling place) PS 127.1, MT 8.28
5C. WORK (Occupation/Vocation/s) PR 14.23; 2 TH 3.10, 2 TH 3.10
5B. PRESENTATION TO GOD– (Purpose of 1B-6B) to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight– Col. 1.22
1C. HOLY in Your sight I must be presented.
2C. BLAMELESS in Your sight I must be presented.
3C. ABOVE REPROACH in Your sight I must be presented.
When you have faithfully used this section of the Prayer Notebook, you will have attained a relationship with God that establishes Him as a ‘companion’ to you while He retains all of His regal majesty in your life.
You can seek His will for things you are uncertain about and get a measure of assurance as to what to do in many decisions and issues of life. When you cannot be certain, you can know you have done what you can do as a human, and God will do the rest.
After it has helped you in decisions you have made, you will find yourself being able to relate to others as they seek to know and do God’s will for their lives.
Thus you are also able to pray for others after you pray for your own needs. This, of course, can consume great amounts of time, yet it fully explains how Jesus could spend entire nights in prayer to God! (Luke 6.12)
the Word Perfect Document or
the MSWord
Our (personal)
Father (family)
Which Art In Heaven (humble)
1. Hallowed Be Thy Name (Adoration for...)
a. Who He Is 1)Endless 2)Timeless 3)Changeless 4)Simple 5)Unified 6)Sovereign 7)All-Powerful 8)All-Knowing & Wise 9)Everywhere 10)Just to Judge 11)Loving - merciful, gracious, forbearing, good, humble, takes pleasure 12)Truthful 13)Free 14)Holy, Set Apart
b. What He Does 1)Spiritual Blessing: a) Saves, b) Reveals- Self, Will, Call, Word c) Prepares d) Instructs e) Glorified by humans f) Inheritor 2)Earthly Blessing: all I own, all I am
2. Thy Kingdom Come. (Anticipation by...)
a. Salvation -assurance
b. Evangelization -win lost souls
c. Fertilization -disciple a convert
d. Occupation -occupy (do business) 'until He comes'
e. Expectation -look, yearn for His coming.
3. Thy Will Be Done in Earth As It Is in Heaven. (Submission) Col 1:9-12
a. Be Filled with the Knowledge of His Will v9 1) Wisdom 2) Spiritual Understanding [prayer for] a)sensitivity b)meekness c)determination d)performance
b. Walk Worthy of the Lord v10 1) Conditions: a)Fully Pleasing Him b)Fruitful c)Increasing d)Strengthened v11 e)Patience f)Longsuffering
g)Giving Thanks v12 2) Deciding GOD'S WILL: a)Mate b)Church/ School c)Ministry d)House e)Vocationc. Presentation to God, v22 1)Holy 2) Blameless 3)Above Reproach
4. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (Petition)
a. Keys to Success 1)Spirit-controlled mind 2)Death to the Flesh 3)Balance in Redeeming Time
b. Elements of Life 1) Spiritual Purity 2) Physical Control [-food -sleep -sex -exercise] 3)Mental/ Emotional right thinking. 4) Social favor 5)Financial Stewardship
5. Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors. (Confession) Mat 5:3-10; 1 John 1:9
a. Beatitudes 1)poor in spirit 2)mourn 3)meekness 4)hunger and thirst for right 5)merciful 6)pure in heart 7)peacemakers 8)persecuted
b. Confession 1)Confess 2)Forsake 3)Believe 4)Forgiveness 5)Cleansing 6)Blessed [Conclusion]
6. And Lead Us Not into Temptation... (Resolution)
a. Endure Temptation
b. Preservation Through Grace
...But Deliver Us From Evil.
Ephesians 6:10-18c. Protection Through Armor 1)Belt of Truth v14 2)Breastplate of Righteousness v14 3)Shoes of Gospel Witness v15 4)Shield of Faith v16 5)Helmet of Salvation v17 6)Sword of the Spirit v17 7)Bond of Prayer v18
7. Applications
1: How Does Glory Come? 3/12/08
2: The Power and Meaning of Choices 3/25/08
7a Prayer for Others | 8a Verse for the Day |9a Song for the Day
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