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How I Was Married

Christine Wise Lanyon

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Christine Wise Lanyon

18thAnniv_081306.jpg (88141 bytes)See for more...How I Was Married EthylV-Chris_112706..jpg (69684 bytes)
Left, "a dozen roses" 18th anniversary!
Right, a visit with Ethyl Violette
click for full picture view.


From her introductory letter 
to my relatives detailing our itinerary August, 1988

Dad-Mom-kit.jpg (84576 bytes) 

Personal Testimony, Chris Wise
July, 1988
God's Missionary


I would like to share with you how God has worked in my life. First of all, my name is Christine Wise. l went to a liberal church with neighbors when I was a child. 
When I was in third grade, I was burdened about missions. I felt it was very wrong for people in other lands to worship other gods. I believe God wanted me to be a missionary. I rejected this call when I was a senior in high school.
I went to nursing school hoping that I would get married soon. This was a miserable time in my life, as I knew that I belonged in a Christian school. I left nursing school after a year and three months. From my home in Attica, Ohio, God called me to Tennessee Temple Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
God convicted my heart with Ephesians 2:8,9 that l had been trusting in good works and that I must repent. I was challenged to read through the Bible. This also greatly convicted my heart as I saw how God hates "little" sins of selfishness and pride.
I was then ready, the third week of college, to ask Jesus to save me. I was saved and baptized at Highland Park Baptist Church. The pastor, Dr. Lee Roberson, baptized me, and God changed my heart attitude. I then desired to live for Him and let Christ live through me [Galatians 2:20]. He gave me joy and contentment and a reason for living.


l knew God wanted me to be a missionary. My eyes were on Ghana, West Africa after meeting a national from there. I was told, however, that I could not go until there was a couple to accompany me. I remained busy for God for three months when I received a call from my mission board to come a fill a need in the Christian school at Nassau, Bahamas. 
I went and God burdened my heart to remain and help the ministry there twelve years. God opened doors for me to teach Sunday school, junior church, witness, have hospital visitation, have Bible clubs in the government school, drive people to church, and use Source of Light Bible lessons with many.
A national pastor asked me to come and help with a Christian School in Providentiales in the Turks and Caicos Islands. I served in this ministry for three years. I enjoyed God's open doors to teach Sunday school, junior church, have ladies meetings, have Bible Clubs in the three government schools, drive the van for school and church activities, and witness for our Lord.
God has now worked in my life to bless me with a special gift: Pat Lanyon. I pray that I will be a good help-meet to him.

Sincerely yours,
In Christ

Chris Wise

Mr. C. Pat Lanyon
35 Deerfield Avenue 1
East Hartford, CT 06108

August, 1988 ITINERARY, C. Pat Lanyon & Chris Wise
1-5 CT business details, marriage reading & study
6-14 OH marriage preparations & wedding on the 13th (invit. encl.)
15-25 CO relatives to meet, "honeymoon!"
25-26 OH packing and return to CT.

Christine Treasure Places