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Prayer Principle 3A: Submission: Worthy Walk

Westside Care Center Tuesday, January 16, 2006

 Mr. C. Pat Lanyon


The time before last, we considered passages that reveal three aspects of obeying God’s will that were described as the process of determination, or the resolve to continue to advance toward and to actually do (performance of) the will of God. We observed that it often happens that we encounter doubts and resistance to continue doing God’s will when we are aware of what it is.

We first noted that we can ask God for ‘wisdom’ as He reveals something He wants done, and that our responsibility is to refuse to doubt or ‘waver’ when it is clear what God wants done. By asking without doubting we were assured that God would not only answer, but that He would give a ‘liberal’ dose of the wisdom we need to complete His will.

Secondly, we noted that it would also require a human ‘resolve’ or a ‘pressing on’ toward doing God’s will. This also requires the negative aspect of forgetting past failure to do God’s will, alongside of the positive ‘resolve’ required to complete it. We realized that as in other principles under this submission heading, these type of prayer requests are of a kind that God is willing to answer, and so making a persistence in praying them brings God’s supernatural power into play.

Third, we considered ‘performance’ which boiled down to two concepts. 1) Action, and 2) self control – one of the ‘fruits’ of the Holy Spirit enabled by Him, but fully dependent on our human cooperation in yielding to His wishes.

Now we consider a second major part of knowing God’s will: Walking in it!

Introduction: (3A. Submission: A Walk Worthy of the Lord – Colossians 1:10)

OUTLINE RECAP -- From the Prayer Notebook

Since working on these character traits, I am better enabled now to advance toward a...

2B. WALK WORTHY of the Lord,

1C. Conditions

1D. "Fully pleasing Him" Col 1.10 (After my fully pleasing Him, I next must become)

2D. "FRUITFUL in every good work, (As I am fruitful, I next must be)

3D. "INCREASING in the knowledge of God, and to be

4D. "STRENGTHENED with all might according to His glorious power for...

5D. All PATIENCE (in trials You send to me) and

6D. (All) LONGSUFFERING (toward others who irritate me) with joy.

7D. GIVING THANKS to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

As I have already given thanks for many of Your blessings to me I will now give thanks for gaining an inheritance in the saints through my willingness to begin to obey Your will.
[The Colossians passage goes on to acknowledge the attributes of Christ which is a fitting addition to the Adoration section OR continued here as an excellent example of submission.
Remember that the prayer outline is a personal composition you change as God teaches you how He wants you to pray.]

[Having met these conditions, the next step in a practical submission to God's will comes down to our fulfilling specific roles we have in life. That truly defines walking in God's will.]

Walking in God’s Will In Decision-Making:

Through my confidence by now comprehending I am fellow-partaker of the true Light’s Inheritance, I shall be even more enabled to make key decisions concerning Your will for my life. You will moment-by-moment and day-by-day lead me for these CRITICAL CHOICES: Help me now since...

2C. Decisions: to do ["Walk" in] GOD'S WILL.

I must make good "life-affecting" decisions, including the major choices of life. I must prepare for and then execute the roles of life: choosing of my...

1D. MATE (Spouse for life)/ FAMILY
GE 2.18,24; 1 CO 7.1,7,24,35,40; MT 19.3-12

1E. Spouse for _________________Your spouse name here
EP 5.25 Your Anniversary Date: ________________
Prayer  Issues:

2E. Include all children you are given by God, and pray for each one's unique issues here as well.
Son/Daughter PS 127.1 | Issues of Life (PR 4:23)
___________________ > ____________________
___________________ > ____________________
___________________ > ____________________

2D. CHURCH / SCHOOL ___________________
Put your Church name here, and record events and lessons from God’s will here.

______________________________ If still in School, Include it here.

3D. MINISTRY (Spiritual gift) Put your spiritual ministries here. Note: Sign gifts: healings, miracle working, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues; were all given temporarily to NT disciples and believers just after the ascension to affirm it's validity. Thereafter, they were not needed. 1CO 12;RO12;EP4;1PE4

The spiritual gifts of today:

1E. Faith
2E. Teaching
3E. Helps (Ministering)
4E. Administration
5E. Exhortation
6E. Giving
7E. Mercy
8E. Evangelism
9E. Pastor-Teacher
10E. Hospitality

4D. HOUSE (dwelling place) Your Current Address: ___________
Then Put your history of residences here as you move in God’s will.
PS 127.1; MT 8.20

5D. WORK (Occupation/Vocation/s) _______________________
To Record your vocational history and how God leads you from job to job.

Col. 1.22

            3B. PRESENTATION TO GOD (Purpose of 1B-2B) to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight–

1C. HOLY in Your sight.

2C. BLAMELESS in Your sight.

3C. ABOVE REPROACH in Your sight.